A unique launch event of CRUDIF was held by the team in which a concept and an initiative was promoted. The main idea of #MyLogoByCrudif was to check the capability of the team by giving itself a challenge never accomplished before and the initiative behind this event was to give support to new business and startups.

Team CRUDIF decided to go out of the box and created 100 Logos for 50 different companies in 12 hours. The event was published on a live stream on Facebook and the response was overwhelming. People loved the new concept and the motive behind the event, as soon as the event started the creative director received many queries and the brief was received and the logo was created at the same time. People appreciated, CRUDIF got an amazing organic reach of the event, and the live stream was viewed all over the world reaching more than 25,000 people worldwide organically. The event was filled with fun, challenges, and creativity and CRUDIF holds the record of making most logos in 12 hours. The team worked very hard to achieve the decided target of 100 Logos in 12 hours.